A Beginner's Guide To Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is basically the practice of occasionally going for extended periods without eating. Most people only experience this when sleeping, from after dinnertime to “break-fast” aka breaking that sleeping fast! Basically, if you typically eat dinner by 8 PM and breakfast at 8 AM the next day, you're fasting for 12 hours and feeding for 12 hours. Do you get me?

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Cacao Chia Mousse

Everyone likes to make chia puddings and everyone loves chocolate, right? Well they both have been blowing up my Instagram feed lately! I decided to of course create recipes that are a little different, healthier, but never comprising flavor. This creamy mousse is loaded with antioxidants and inflammatory ingredients and I bet even the kiddos will indulge!

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Herb Spiced Lamb Pitas

This recipe screams summer and is perfect for a BBQ because it's EASY and all your amigos will want the recipe, I promise. At first I was confused why this recipe didn't tell you how to cook the lamb, then I figure out that you put the raw lamb mixture in the pita and what happens is the lamb cooks inside the pita, the fat will melt into the bread, creating a crunchy, vibrantly flavored meat sando that’s unlike anything you’ve ever had before, I stuffed these ones with a herbed yogurt sauce, thinly sliced red onions and heirloom tomatoes.

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My Anti-Aging Beauty Hack - Collagen

Collagen is more than a hype right now. It is something we ALL need in our diets every day because it is the most abundant protein in the body making up 70% of our protein in our skin. Unfortunately, when convenience foods were introduced we all stopped consuming the foods that contained these crucial nutrients. In nature is found exclusively in animal tissue, especially bones and connective tissue. Back when traditional recipes included the whole animal, bones, skin and all the tendons, there was no collagen issues!

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