Coconut "Low Carb" Rice

TheVidaWell_Coconut Low Carb Rice

Prep Time: preferably the night before or at least 1 hour to let cool
Cook Time: 30
Serves: 6-8

Rice is something I think people tend to stay away from on a strict keto diet. I have found personally and with a lot of my clients (and Dave Asprey from Bulletproof also confirms) if you cook and then cool rice before consuming and also add coconut oil to the cooking process, you are changing how your body absorbs the carbohydrate, lowering the glycemic response in the body therefore not causing your glucose (blood sugar level) to spike as high which also is a reason people gain weight.

For me and most of my women clients who focus on a HFLC (high-fat, low-carb) diet, eating the right carbs helps me from feeling low energy and helps in balancing my hormones. There is a time and place for a more strict keto, (cancer, tumors, seizer, etc), but I definitely feel better when I get my serving in of those good carbs and I like to do it at night time.

I love this recipe with my Pumpkin Curry or I will use it for making homemade sushi.

Brown Rice vs White Rice

Get ready, cuz I am about to burst your bubble, brown rice is not healthier than white rice. Ya you and everyone else are shocked I know.  Basically brown rice contains arsenic, which of course depends on country and which variety. Brown rice also has a compound called phytic acid making it harder to digest.

Note. I am not telling you to eat rice every day, but I am saying to listen to your body and when you eat white rice, you cool it, add your fat (brain octane, coconut oil or butter)  and enjoy.

2 step HACK. When you cook your white rice there is 2 thing you have to do…

  1. Cook and cool your rice. Research shows that cooking than cooling your rice creates higher resistant starch aka reducing how we are absorbing those carbs (starch content) giving us less of a sugar (glucose) spike.

  2. Cook the rice with coconut oil.

“When you cook coconut oil and rice together, the oil binds to the digestible starch in the rice – that’s the starch that converts to glucose. Once bound with the oil, the digestible starch begins to crystallize, creating another form of starch: the resistant variety.

The researchers found that cooling the rice after cooking it promoted crystallization, leading to a shocking 10 to 15-fold increase in resistant starch compared to normally prepared white rice.” Dave Asprey, CEO Bulletproof - listen to this podcast


  • 2 cups uncooked white rice

  • 3 cups filtered water

  • 4 tbsp coconut oil or ghee

  • 1 inch piece of ginger root

  • 1 (14 ounce) can full fat coconut milk

  • 1 teaspoon salt, plus more to taste

Instructions for cooking and cooling rice:

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